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the same spirit

  • 1 level

    ['levl] 1. noun
    1) (height, position, strength, rank etc: The level of the river rose; a high level of intelligence.) līmenis
    2) (a horizontal division or floor: the third level of the multi-storey car park.) līmenis; stāvs
    3) (a kind of instrument for showing whether a surface is level: a spirit level.) līmeņrādis
    4) (a flat, smooth surface or piece of land: It was difficult running uphill but he could run fast on the level.) līdzena virsma; līdzenums
    2. adjective
    1) (flat, even, smooth or horizontal: a level surface; a level spoonful (= an amount which just fills the spoon to the top of the sides).) līdzens
    2) (of the same height, standard etc: The top of the kitchen sink is level with the window-sill; The scores of the two teams are level.) vienāds; vienādlīmeņa-
    3) (steady, even and not rising or falling much: a calm, level voice.) mierīgs; nosvērts
    3. verb
    1) (to make flat, smooth or horizontal: He levelled the soil.) nolīdzināt; nogludināt
    2) (to make equal: His goal levelled the scores of the two teams.) izlīdzināt
    3) ((usually with at) to aim (a gun etc): He levelled his pistol at the target.) tēmēt; mērķēt
    4) (to pull down: The bulldozer levelled the block of flats.) nolīdzināt līdz zemei; nopostīt
    - level crossing
    - level-headed
    - do one's level best
    - level off
    - level out
    - on a level with
    - on the level
    * * *
    līmenis; līdzena virsma, līdzenums; līmeņrādis; nolīdzināt; nivelēt, noteikt augstumu; mērķēt, tēmēt; līdzens, horizontāls; vienādlīmeņa, vienāds; nosvērts, mierīgs; izturēts, nemainīgs; vienādā līmenī

    English-Latvian dictionary > level

  • 2 dash

    [dæʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to move with speed and violence: A man dashed into a shop.) mesties; drāz-ties
    2) (to knock, throw etc violently, especially so as to break: He dashed the bottle to pieces against the wall.) mest; sviest
    3) (to bring down suddenly and violently or to make very depressed: Our hopes were dashed.) sagraut (cerības, plānus u.tml.)
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden rush or movement: The child made a dash for the door.) mešanās; drāšanās
    2) (a small amount of something, especially liquid: whisky with a dash of soda.) (neliels) piejaukums
    3) ((in writing) a short line (-) to show a break in a sentence etc.) domuzīme; svītra
    4) (energy and enthusiasm: All his activities showed the same dash and spirit.) spars
    - dash off
    * * *
    mešanās, drāšanās; rāviens; izrāviens; šļaksti; spars; triepiens, vilciens; piejaukums, nokrāsa; domuzīme, svītra; neizdošanās; sviest, mest; mesties, drāzties; sagraut; apšļākt; piejaukt, sajaukt; uzskicēt, uzmest; pasvītrot; apmulsināt; lādēt; nolādēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > dash

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